Become a RAD Summit Counselor




The camp counselors are the heart and soul of Rad Summit.

Motivating and inspiring campers is pretty much the only ask. Each counselor will be attached to a group of about 8-10 campers.

Day 1

Day 1’s goal is to get your camp group excited and feeling good about this experience. You will show the group where they will be living for the next 3 nights and getting them ready for opening ceremonies and the camp team adventure.

Day 2-3

Days 2-3 starts off with some morning yoga and breakfast. Afterwards the campers will enter a “choose your own adventure” experience. They will pick their workshops, have lunch, and have some free time in the afternoon. This goes the same for you! At this point in time you are just a camper. In the evening of these two days we will have some fun events planned for everyone. Your job is to make sure everyone knows where they need to be and make sure all campers are having a rad time.

Day 4

Day 4 will be making sure everyone is packed, ready for closing ceremonies, and knows when to load the buses to head back to Denver.

RAD Summit is a place where you’ll be able to connect with others who might do what you do, but have their own stories to tell. This isn’t some cheesy networking event; it’s a place to share and celebrate the intangible things that allow us to do awesome work.

At RAD Summit, we’ll let you channel that kid inside who craves more rad experiences. We’ll be in the middle of forest, and at the foot of hillside hiking paths, a pond for canoeing and access to plenty of other outdoor activities. We also have some special events planned that we can’t share just yet ;)


Please fill out the form below if you're interested in becoming a Rad Summit counselor!