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Key Takeaways
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About Your Facilitator
Why are you teaching at RAD Summit?
”We're living in ever more uncertain times, and tech that we'd thought fairly positive in some ways, is being found to be negative in other ways. As I now work for an organisation with very positive values, I'd love the opportunity to share this approach more widely.”
What’s your craziest camping or outdoor experience?
”My first (and to date only) skiing experience took place on a visit to Heavenly Resort Lake Tahoe, California, New Year's Eve and Day 2016-17. My brother was teaching me and we spent our first day practicing on the easy slopes near the ski lift, him showing me to 'plough' the skis. But the second day a snow storm came in, forcing us 'cross-country' to the other ski lift, along what I later discovered was a 'Blue run'. It was all going so well, until a huge slope that I started ploughing down but end flying down - and nearly made it to the bottom without falling too! After that we discovered that learning the 'zig-zag' technique for steep hills was more successful!“
Tell us about yourself!
“I'm a UX researcher at Atlassian in Sydney, Australia, where I explore the complex needs and problems faced by Jira users. My route here included a PhD and postdoc in Human Factors psychology, digital lead at a socio-economic research consultancy, and Principal UX Consultant at Bristol-based agency Nomensa. In my spare time I'm also Global Director of Impact and Sydney lead at not-for-profit, UX for Change. This workshop draws on these experiences to explore the tangible as well as less concrete measures of social and business impact for research and design.”
Dr. Tim DIxon
UX Researcher, Atlassian