About this workshop:
"I've never actually opened Photoshop... should I feel guilty?"
"I don't think designers should code (but I secretly take online dev courses)"
"I don't know how to do user research"
We all hold secrets, but it's rare that were given a chance to share them (anonymously) with like-minded people who can provide solid input that matters. This is a session I've led a few times at the Boulder UI/UX Meetup group and every time, we discover new things about our community, about our profession and about ourselves. Leading up to this moderated session, we'll use an anonymous form to gather 'confessions' from attendees. Then, somewhere in the woods around camp, we'll gather and discuss. Come ready to hear juicy confessions, and participate in a healthy discussion around each one.
Chris Alvarez - Product Design Lead
Derive Systems
Takeaways for campers
Unique perspectives from others in the industry
A better sense of community as we discuss things that typically aren't shared in an open format
A chance to provide input and help others with difficult issues
Other RAD Workshops
All of the RAD summit workshops are centered around two main themes: Research and Design. The camp founders and facilitators are creative professionals with years of experience building amazing products and experiences.
We'll continue to update this list as we get closer to camp time.
R=Research, D=Design, O=Other
Mapping Your Story (R,O) - Christina
Measuring Design (R) - Scot
Design Confessional (R,D)- Chris
Practicing Playful Creation (D) - Adrienne + Spencer
"Backstory" Workshop (R,D,O)- Marc
"Microburst" Design Sprint (D) - Jackson
Creative Problem Solving (D,O) - Kate
Pick a card, any card - Archetypes (D,R) - Natalia
Design Your Org (for fun & profit) (D,R,O) - Adam
Empathy Painting (D,O) - Angela