About this workshop:
Google Ventures has famously developed their "Design Sprint" methodology to take teams from idea to tested prototype in just one week. In practice, it is often difficult to schedule a team to focus on nothing else for an entire week, and even more so on a regular basis. Adapting GV's approach and other design workshop methodologies, Jackson has developed a hyper-condensed process to effectively help teams go from vague idea to a vetted, buildable design in under two hours. He calls this workshop a "Microburst".
Jackson Carson - UX/UI Director
Takeaways for campers
This isn't just for designers. Microburst participants can be anyone involved in product creation. Get a quick overview of Google's one week Design Sprint methodology and how it can be adapted to design solutions extremely quickly. Learn techniques to tease multiple creative solutions out of your team's heads and onto paper where they can be explored and vetted. You will be surprised what is possible in just a couple of hours.
Other RAD Workshops
All of the RAD summit workshops are centered around two main themes: Research and Design. The camp founders and facilitators are creative professionals with years of experience building amazing products and experiences.
We'll continue to update this list as we get closer to camp time.
R=Research, D=Design, O=Other
Mapping Your Story (R,O) - Christina
Measuring Design (R) - Scot
Design Confessional (R,D)- Chris
Practicing Playful Creation (D) - Adrienne + Spencer
"Backstory" Workshop (R,D,O)- Marc
"Microburst" Design Sprint (D) - Jackson
Creative Problem Solving (D,O) - Kate
Pick a card, any card - Archetypes (D,R) - Natalia
Design Your Org (for fun & profit) (D,R,O) - Adam
Empathy Painting (D,O) - Angela