Pick a card, any card: Making archetypes fun, meaningful, and actionable

Natalia Story

Lead UX Designer + Content Strategist, Vertafore


Other RAD Workshops

All of the RAD summit workshops are centered around two main themes: Research and Design. The camp founders and  facilitators are creative professionals with years of experience building amazing products and experiences.

We'll continue to update this list as we get closer to camp time.

R=Research, D=Design, O=Other

  1. Mapping Your Story (R,O) - Christina

  2. Measuring Design (R) - Scot

  3. Design Confessional (R,D)- Chris

  4. Practicing Playful Creation (D) - Adrienne + Spencer

  5. "Backstory" Workshop (R,D,O)- Marc

  6. "Microburst" Design Sprint (D) - Jackson

  7. Creative Problem Solving (D,O) - Kate

  8. Pick a card, any card - Archetypes (D,R) - Natalia

  9. Design Your Org (for fun & profit) (D,R,O) - Adam

  10. Empathy Painting (D,O) - Angela