About this workshop:
The word “archetypes” gets thrown around a lot in our industry — but it doesn’t have to be such a complex, theoretical concept. This workshop is all about enabling anyone to bring archetypes to life and use them as a solid foundation for branding and design. We’ll start with an interactive card sorting exercise, but this isn’t the “card sorting” you know. Each team will be given a deck of 60 descriptive archetype cards — including some popular favorites like the Hero and the Rebel — and you’ll work together to narrow the deck down to 1-2 cards that represent the company you choose. You’ll then brainstorm and present ideas on how your choice can be meaningfully applied to other branding and design elements — such as a manifesto, website design, or brand campaign. How do you create an experience that truly represents the devil-may-care Rebel? Or the imaginative Magician? Or the ever-seeking Adventurer?
We’ll also have you think about which archetype resonates most strongly with you throughout this process, so that you can leave this workshop thinking about your personal brand and how to make it more memorable and meaningful. And of course there will be plenty of real-world examples of how archetypes have been effectively applied to define brands, create competitive differentiation, build personas, guide design efforts, and more.
Natalia Story - Lead UX Designer
Takeaways for campers
You'll have a better understanding of archetypes and their value
You'll be able to lead an archetype card exercise within a company or with a client
You'll know how to use archetypes as a foundation for branding and design
Other RAD Workshops
All of the RAD summit workshops are centered around two main themes: Research and Design. The camp founders and facilitators are creative professionals with years of experience building amazing products and experiences.
We'll continue to update this list as we get closer to camp time.
R=Research, D=Design, O=Other
Mapping Your Story (R,O) - Christina
Measuring Design (R) - Scot
Design Confessional (R,D)- Chris
Practicing Playful Creation (D) - Adrienne + Spencer
"Backstory" Workshop (R,D,O)- Marc
"Microburst" Design Sprint (D) - Jackson
Creative Problem Solving (D,O) - Kate
Pick a card, any card - Archetypes (D,R) - Natalia
Design Your Org (for fun & profit) (D,R,O) - Adam
Empathy Painting (D,O) - Angela